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 Ring reproduction

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4 participants


Messages : 46
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2009
Localisation : Germany

Ring reproduction Empty
MessageSujet: Ring reproduction   Ring reproduction EmptyDim 2 Mai - 14:54

This is the ring reproduction i had promised to show recently. Work like this is fun to do, because there is a lot to learn from the old goldsmiths sometimes. The ring i believe is nearly eighty years old. You can see it is heavy worn. Two stones are lost. The assignment is to rebuilt it - a little bit stronger than before. The new one is completely done by hand (no cast!). If you see a difference in color, please forgive me, i am a bad photographer. Both are fabricated in 14 karat rosé and white gold.

Hope you like it Smile

Ring reproduction Alter-ring
Ring reproduction Alter-ring-neu
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Aly Baba

Aly Baba

Messages : 1092
Date d'inscription : 10/09/2009

Ring reproduction Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ring reproduction   Ring reproduction EmptyDim 2 Mai - 15:50

Bonjour Mario,

je trouve cette bague magnifique et Bravo!

t'avais aussi fait les photos des etapes de fabrication?

j'aimerais bien les voir

Bonne journée
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Messages : 34883
Date d'inscription : 05/08/2009
Age : 71
Localisation : Québec Canada Voie Lactée Laniakea

Ring reproduction Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ring reproduction   Ring reproduction EmptyLun 3 Mai - 0:08

Hello Mario,

It is a perfect work, you have understand that it is better to use more metal for the new one.

Antiques pieces of jewelry are often to light.

I see on yours pictures that each pieces of this ring have a good thickness, your customer is surely very happy about this beautiful ( and strong ) new ring.

Thank you very much, Mario, when you send us some pictures like this, you give us a lot of energy.

Aly, ask to you, if it is possible to see pictures about steps to make this ring ?

Have a very good day.......

Michel Zim

Why in 14 K ?....... I am sure you can make it in 18 it the order of the customer ?

Tout ce qui vaut la peine d'être fait, vaut la peine d'être bien fait.
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Messages : 46
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2009
Localisation : Germany

Ring reproduction Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ring reproduction   Ring reproduction EmptyLun 3 Mai - 0:48

Hello Aly, hello Michel!
Thank you for the kind words. I am sorry, but i didn't had the time to make some pictures between. Had to hurry a bit...

Admin a écrit:
is it the order of the customer ?
Yes, that is right.

Regards, Mario.
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Messages : 34883
Date d'inscription : 05/08/2009
Age : 71
Localisation : Québec Canada Voie Lactée Laniakea

Ring reproduction Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ring reproduction   Ring reproduction EmptyLun 3 Mai - 0:56

Hello Mario,

Thank you for your answer......

It is not always easy to make pictures when we are at the benchwork.......question of time............the customer is waiting... Laughing

Next time...

Have a very good day.

Michel Zim

P.S. I understand than people in Deutlalnd think 14 K is better..... affraid Laughing Laughing

Tout ce qui vaut la peine d'être fait, vaut la peine d'être bien fait.
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Messages : 489
Date d'inscription : 02/05/2010
Age : 58
Localisation : Belgique

Ring reproduction Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ring reproduction   Ring reproduction EmptyDim 9 Mai - 21:55

Hi Mario,

I'm new on this forum, and it takes time to explore all of its corners...
I just discovered your ring.
Great work I realy apreciate it!
Even the cleaning of the holes inside the ring! Man! Usually jewellers don't bother anymore with that kind of details.
Really good work.
Did you set the stones too?
How long did it takes to do it?
Where did you learn jewelry?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Messages : 46
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2009
Localisation : Germany

Ring reproduction Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ring reproduction   Ring reproduction EmptyLun 10 Mai - 19:18

ced a écrit:
I'm new on this forum, and it takes time to explore all of its corners...
Hello Ced, it seems to me, there is a big advantage for you as you're speaking French also Wink
ced a écrit:
Did you set the stones too?
How long did it takes to do it?
Where did you learn jewelry?
Yes, stone-setting was done by me.
At all the ring took me 17 hours.
My apprenticeship i got here in Germany.

I visited your homepage and enjoyed the wonderful pieces you show there. Like 'em very much!
Regards, Mario.
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MessageSujet: Re: Ring reproduction   Ring reproduction Empty

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Ring reproduction
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